About Us
Linkknows is an excellent affiliate management network where you can quickly find, connect with many brands as you are qualified content providers, and monetize your content could be an easier job.
Linkknows aims to easily and effectively profit from the traffic of content networks, applications, and websites through a complete and proven solution. The core work of the entire team is to help content providers make better use of traffic to make money, which is also our important corporate culture. At the same time, we pay great attention to user feedback. User experience is our big motivation and the main indicator to continuously improve our services.
We always welcome sincere partners to provide us with different cooperation suggestions and related ideas. Discussing could be a magic tunnel that allowing us to find more possible monetization ways and results together.

Our Team

Tim Jerris
Founder & CEO

Erica Browser
Marketing Manager

Jack Nolston
Technology Manager

Jane Austin
Products Lead

“Linkknows has the power to turn many impossible things into possible”

“100% expectation is not enough, we have 100% energy and inspiration”

“Try something remarkable should have at least happened in Linkknows”

Why Work With Us?
Linkknows has one clear thought, let the results speak for us. The problem solved results or performance results could both be our name card. We deeply believe that most of the business in digital marketing can be monetized. And we love to offer help with analyzing, understanding, and generating the best part of publishers’ content.
We expand the road for you, and we earn after you’ve earned.
We hope that you could feel, understand that we are much willing to help you be beneficial through our program.